
Preferred Text Type

Emails typically contain both plain and html formatted versions of your email. Use html if you want the “rich text” version of the email used to create the post.

Text FallbackUse plain if html is missing and vice versa.

Default categorySpecifies the category to apply to the post by default.

Match short categoryTry to match categories using ‘starts with logic’ otherwise only do exact matches. Note that custom taxonomies will not be found if this setting is ‘No’

Use colon to match categoryOne option for specifying a category is to place it on the subject line followed by a colon (:). E.g. “category1: The real subject”. However, some mailing lists include colons for other reasons so you can turn off the colon based category detection if needed.

Use dash to match categoryOne option for specifying a category is to place it on the subject line surrounded by the dash (-). E.g. “-category1- The real subject”. However, some mailing lists include dashes for other reasons so you can turn off the dash based category detection if needed.

Use square bracket to match categoryOne option for specifying a category is to place it on the subject line surrounded by square brackets ([]). E.g. “[category1] The real subject”. However, some mailing lists include square brackets for other reasons so you can turn off the square bracket based category detection if needed.

Default tag(s)The optional list of tags to be applied to the post.Separated each tag with commas. E.g. “tag1, tag2, long tag”

Default Post StatusThe status to assign to the post.

Default Post FormatThe format to assign to the post.

Default Post TypeThe type to assign to the post.

Default TitleIf no subject is found then use this text. It is unusual for a subject to be missing. Some SMS to email systems don’t add a subject which is why this setting exists.

Treat Replies AsWhen a reply is detected you can choose how you want Postie to treat the reply.

Strip Original Content from Replies

Forward Rejected Mail

Allow Subject In MailEnclose the subject between ‘#’ on the very first line. E.g. #this is my subject#

Allow HTML In Mail SubjectIf set to “No” Postie will convert all HTML markup into html entities (“

” → “<p>”) . This allows you to display html tags. Otherwise no conversion will happen and the html will be applied when the post is displayed in WordPress.

Allow HTML In Mail BodyIf set to “No” Postie will convert all HTML markup into html entities (“

” → “<p>”) . This allows you to display html tags. Otherwise no conversion will happen and the html will be applied when the post is displayed in WordPress.

Text for Message StartRemove all text from the beginning of the message up to the point where this is found. Optional.

Text for Message EndRemove all text from the point this is found to the end of the message. Optional.

Filter newlinesPlain text email have automatic newlines about every 70 characters. If set to “Yes” Postie will remove these newlines, but will retain any double newlines as a paragraph break. This setting has no effect on HTML emails.

Replace newline characters with html line breaks (
Filter newlines must be turned on for this option to take effect.

Return rejected mail to senderIf the email is rejected for any reason should the sender be notified?

Send post confirmation email toWho should receive an email for each successfully processed email?

Automatically convert urls to linksShould bare URLs be converted to real links?

Encoding for pages and feedsThe character set for your blog. UTF-8 is recommended, but you may need something else if your WordPress is very old.

Drop The Signature From MailUse the signature patterns (below) to try and find the email signature and remove it.

Signature PatternsPut each pattern on a separate line. Patterns are regular expressions and are put inside ‘/^{pattern}\s?$/miu’. For HTML content the inner text of each element is evaluated against the pattern. E.g for

some test


Postie will evaluate ‘some text’, ‘– ‘ and ‘signature’ against the pattern(s) and the first time it find a match it will assume that is the signature and remove it and anything below it from the post.