

Geolocation Plus AddOn Released

You can now integrate Geolocation and Geolocation Plus plugins with Postie. This addon allows you to specify a latitude and longitude in your email and a map with a location pin will be added to the post. Check it out.

Open Street Maps AddOn Released

You can now integrate Open Street Maps (OSM) with Postie. This addon allows you to specify a latitude and longitude in your email and OSM can generate a map with pins for each post. Check it out.

1.5.23 Released

Remove PEAR/PEAR5 dependency which was causing errors on some systems Call wp_handle_upload_prefilter before adding images to WP Temporary new post is now draft status.

1.5.21 Released

Fixed spelling errors Added more debugging around image sizes Clarified some image options on settings page Removed call to wp_set_post_terms()

1.5.20 Released

Added logic to prevent appending images when preferred text type is HTML. Improved help text on several options and clarified options. Additional logging around attachment uploading