Category News

1.5.6 Released

Fixed bug where default post format was empty when the theme didn’t support any formats. Removed all hard coded references to wp-content. Fixed bug where caption wasn’t being filled out in templates. Updated direct DB access to use standard methods.…

1.5.5 Released

Added ability to run a manual check with debugging output. Added support for default post type. Added version number to settings page. Changed Admin User to Default Poster, clarified help text and changed input to combo box of valid values.…

1.5.4 Released

Added support for default post format Fixed bug where replies were getting attached to the wrong post Fixed bug where tags were not being detected correctly in html emails Fixed bug in reply detection

1.5.3 Released

Added support for Featured Images Added support for Use Transport Layer Security (TLS) Updated postie_filter_email filter to get unprocessed email address

1.5.2 Released

Fixed bug in post type/format detection when no valid post type/format was found Workaround for WP bug when POP3 account has no waiting messages Fixed bug where cron was running postie_check on every page load

1.5.1 Released

Turned on POP3 debug logging if POSTIE_DEBUG is TRUE. Disable autocomplete on some setup fields Fixed bug where confirmation emails were not being sent to authors Fixed bug where post were not saved if the default admin user didn’t exist…

Fatal error: Out of memory

If Postie isn’t working right and you see “Fatal error: Out of memory…” in your logs it is time to increase how much memory PHP allocates to WordPress. By default 40Mb is allocated. To change your memory open up your…

1.5.0 Released

Apply Postie Time Correction to date: command Add support for Post Formats Add support for Post Status Add warning if Admin username is invalid Fixed bug where date: was not always being detected in html emails Improved handling of attachments…

Version 1.5 is here

Since taking over Postie 6 months ago my goal has been to stabilize the product and make sure all the support questions got answered. Version 1.5 is the start of new features which have been a long time coming. Without…