Add Ons

AddOns that extend Postie functionality

Category for Media

The Category for Media AddOn will assign all the categories you assigned to the post to all media items included in the email. For example if you assign the category “horse” to the post, it will also get assigned to any images in the email. This can be used to set up galleries where you […]

Category Per User

The Postie Addon for Category Per User lets you optionally assign each user a default category and/or tags that gets used when Postie receives a message from that user. User Settings When editing a user there is an extra section: Postie Settings You can find this new setting at the bottom of the Edit User page. If set, the […]

Clean HTML

The Clean HTML AddOn takes the HTML embedded in your email and cleans it up and makes sure it is W3C compliant so that it won’t cause any issues with your blog. Saves hours of time fiddling with your posts. Configuration This is optional. If you leave everything blank the AddOn still makes your HTML W3C […]

Code Word

This AddOn lets you add some extra control around what gets published by looking at the content for either a required word/phrase or forbidden words/phrases. This provides an additional layer of protection from undesired emails getting published even if they are from an authorized user. You can specify a required word/phrase that must be present in […]

Create Categories

This AddOn will create any categories specified in the subject line if they don’t already exist. It is recommended that you set the “Match short category” to “No” No configuration required, just install and activate. Requires Postie 1.8.32 or later.

Dynamic Categories

This AddOn allows you to assign a category based on the content of the subject line and optionally require a matching word/phrase in order to post. A new settings page is added. “Use string to match category” essentially turns the AddOn on and off. “Skip emails that do not match these text string” allows you […]

Email Capture

This AddOn will store the “from” email address in a custom field called “postie_email” for use in your theme or elsewhere. There is no configuration required.

Fix Video/oEmbed Links

The Fix Video/oEmbed Links AddOn will “undo” the formatting that many email clients add to links which will enable videos or any embeddable content supported by WordPress to be displayed inline rather than as a link. This will only work for services supported by WordPress or added by another plugin. See for a list. […]

Front Page

This AddOn will make the last email read by Postie the front page. No configuration is necessary.

Global Author

Allows the administrator to specify a single WordPress user as the author of all posts. If you don’t see your desired used make sure they have permissions to post via Postie.

Images Only

This AddOn removes all text and uses the image template you set up in Postie for all attached images. Great for photo blogs. That’s all it does, no setup required or available.

Media Categories

This AddOn will add the post category to any attachments.

Newsletter Fixer

This AddOn will inline any CSS. The primary use is to fix up email newsletters which tend to have lots of CSS that is ignored by WordPress. This AddOn will help these newsletters look much better in your blog. No configuration required, just install and activate. Minimum requirements: PHP 5.3 and Postie 1.9.4 Release Notes […]

Notification Customizer

This AddOn allows you to specify who gets notified for successful and failed posts. By default Postie sends failure emails to the blog admin. This will allow you to choose anyone you like.


This AddOn allows you to specify a “prelude” html snippet before each email processed. Useful if you always want posts created by Postie have the same starting text.

Remote Featured Image

This addon will look through your email and find all the images that were not included in the email (e.g. <img> tags). It will examine the images and select the largest one as the featured image. There are no settings, just install and activate.

Replace File

This AddOn allows you to replace a file rather than have it renamed. This can be useful if you have a something like a PDF menu that you want to update every day/week/month. Just attach the file making sure it has the exact same name and send the email. Postie will replace the file rather […]


Control your Postie posts with shortcodes! With this AddOn not only can you control your title, post format, post type, comment control, post status, tags, categories, post date and excerpt using simple shortcodes, but there are new features as well. Simply add the desired shortcodes in the body of the email. New features not available […]

Subject Fixer

This AddOn will let you fix up your subject lines. For example if people forward emails they often have “fw:” at the beginning which doesn’t make for a very nice title. You can specify “begins with” or “ends with” patterns. “fw: *” is a “begins with” pattern. The AddOn will match a subject like “fw: […]

Text Extractor

The Text Extractor AddOn will look for any attached PDF, DOC, DOCX or RTF file and extract the text and use that text for the post content. Note that this addon only extracts text, not formatting and not images. There is one option that if checked will add a link to the original document at […]

AddOns that integrate Postie with other Plugins

Geolocation Plus

The Geolocation Plus AddOn allows you to add a latitude & longitude to a post in a way that works with the Geolocation and Geolocation Plus plugins. WARNING: The Geolocation Plus plugin has not been updated in a long time and currently is incompatible with Google Maps. At this time I recommend using Open Street Maps. See Open Street […]

Media Vault

This AddOn works with Media Vault and assigns Media Vault permissions to attachments added to the Media Library.

Open Street Maps

The Open Street Maps AddOn allows you to add a latitude & longitude to a post in a way that works with the Open Street Maps plugin (OSM). The simplest way is to attach an image or video to your email that has geolocation information embedded in it. You can display a map of all […]

PDF Embedder

The PDF Embedder AddOn integrates with the PDF Embedder plugin allowing you to email PDFs and have them display inline rather than requiring the user to click on the PDF icon and download it and have it launch in Acrobat Reader. The AddOn is compatible with the Free, Premium and Secure editions of PDF Embedder. […]


Polylang is a great WordPress plugin for adding multiple languages to your site. This addon will allow you to tell Polylang which languages are in your email. There are 2 approaches for using this AddOn: Multiple languages in a single email One language per email The following examples assume you have installed Polylang and set […]

PublishPress Future/Post Expirator

PublishPress Future (formerly known as Post Expirator) is a great plugin that lets you set a date for a post to be removed. See for more information. This AddOn allows you to specify the PublishPress Future options in your email. For example: [postexpire when=”2021-08-09 17:00″ how=”delete”] This will set the post to expire on […]

Subscribe to Category

Note that Subscribe to Category has been removed from the WordPress plugin catalog due to security issues. This AddOn ensures that Postie and Subscribe to Category work hand in hand. No configuration required, just install and activate and all posts Postie creates from your emails will be sent to your subscribers.

WP Rocket

This AddOn will clear the WP Rocket cache if Postie imports an email. There is no configuration for this AddOn. See for more information about WP Rocket.

Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO is a great WordPress plugin for managing your SEO. This addon provides shortcodes for setting SEO parameters via email. This AddOn also give you the ability to: Are there other settings you’d like to see supported? Let us know by emailing Examples Set Focus Keyphrase/Keywords This shortcode will set the Focus keyphrase. You […]

Other AddOns


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Support AddOn

Please do not install this plugin unless requested to do so. If you are trying to troubleshoot on your own you just need to click the “debug” button on the Postie settings page. If you do install this AddOn please make sure you have started a support thread. This AddOn will create a “zip” file with […]


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[testimonials_cycle timer=’6000′ theme=’clean_style’ pager=’1′]