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WP Rocket

This AddOn will clear the WP Rocket cache if Postie imports an email. There is no configuration for this AddOn. See for more information about WP Rocket.

Media Vault

This AddOn works with Media Vault and assigns Media Vault permissions to attachments added to the Media Library.

Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO is a great WordPress plugin for managing your SEO. This addon provides shortcodes for setting SEO parameters via email. This AddOn also give you the ability to: Are there other settings you’d like to see supported? Let us know…

PDF Embedder

The PDF Embedder AddOn integrates with the PDF Embedder plugin allowing you to email PDFs and have them display inline rather than requiring the user to click on the PDF icon and download it and have it launch in Acrobat…

PublishPress Future/Post Expirator

PublishPress Future (formerly known as Post Expirator) is a great plugin that lets you set a date for a post to be removed. See for more information. This AddOn allows you to specify the PublishPress Future options in your…

Subscribe to Category

Note that Subscribe to Category has been removed from the WordPress plugin catalog due to security issues. This AddOn ensures that Postie and Subscribe to Category work hand in hand. No configuration required, just install and activate and all posts…


Polylang is a great WordPress plugin for adding multiple languages to your site. This addon will allow you to tell Polylang which languages are in your email. There are 2 approaches for using this AddOn: Multiple languages in a single…

Geolocation Plus

The Geolocation Plus AddOn allows you to add a latitude & longitude to a post in a way that works with the Geolocation and Geolocation Plus plugins. WARNING: The Geolocation Plus plugin has not been updated in a long time and currently is…

Open Street Maps

The Open Street Maps AddOn allows you to add a latitude & longitude to a post in a way that works with the Open Street Maps plugin (OSM). The simplest way is to attach an image or video to your…